Friday, August 17, 2012

Abracadabra; An Original Story

The rain was pouring, drenching everyone who dared set foot outside.  This made the streets empty, wet, gray, and mundane.  It was as thought human life ceased to exist, except for the sounds of footsteps from a tall, burgundy-haired maiden and her red umbrella as she ascended the stairs to the house of one Apollina Creed.
The footstep came to a complete halt, only to be replaced by the sound of knocking at the door.  The young woman rocked back and forth on her heels, looking around, patiently waiting for someone to answer her knocks.  Thankfully, her prayers to be out of the rain soon came to pass.
“Alastrina!” squealed a tiny brunette woman.  “Oh my, come in, come in!” she exclaimed, seeing the weather bombard her friend.  Alastrina smiled at her exuberant friend and walked into the cozy home, shaking her umbrella dry.  “Let’s set you up by the fire and see if we can’t warm you up,” Apollina said as she ushered Alastrina into the living room. 
The living room itself was quaint, but homey.  The walls were tall and wooded, with a fireplace set into the far wall.  In the center of the living room was a large green rug with golden embroidery, with elaborate chairs, a small table, and soft cushions set on top of the rug.  Set off to the side of the living room was a spiral staircase, leading up to the second story of the house.
Alastrina turned to her friend, who was busy hanging up Alastrina’s coat and umbrella on the rack on the side of the door.  She asked, “Apollina, is it always raining over here?”
“Umm, well, maybe just a bit,” Apollina replied, slight embarrassment coloring her face.  “At least we don’t have to worry about a drought.  Oh, where are my manners?  Please do have a seat, Alastrina.”  She pulled one of the chairs over to the fireplace, where Alastrina happily took a seat and hugged one of the cushions to her chest.
Alastrina just recently moved into her new house in the neighborhood, which Apollina had aided her in acquiring.  It was a nice house, to be sure, but now she was having second thoughts due to the heavy weather.  Two days had passed and the rain just refused to let up.  At least she had some respite from the dreary weather once Apollina invited her over to visit.
“Are there any sunny days?” Alastrina inquired.
“Why, of course there are!  That’s what summer is for!” Apollina said as she poured them warm tea.
“Just summer?” she grimaced.  “No other time?”
“Once every so often, but during the summer, it shines like no tomorrow,” Apollina chuckled as she sat down and stirred her tea.
“Well, I can certainly see why it would do that,” said Alastrina, glancing at the window and seeing the rain thundering down.  As she stared, she began to feel her mood change to one of agitation and sadness.  “Why didn’t you tell me beforehand that the weather was like this?  I’m not sure that I would have made the move otherwise.”
“I just think that it’s an adorable little town and just thought –“
“I wanted to start a new life,” Alastrina said, her voice tinged with anger.  “I wanted to get away from things like this,” she said as she gestured at the window at the pouring rain.
“I know,” Apollina said quietly, swirling her tea and watching the steam spiral through the air.  “I know.”
Alastrina sighed.  She knew that Apollina was just trying to help her find a place and though that since she loved it here, her dearest friend would as well.  Alastrina recognized that it was her own fault for not putting some research into the area before she decided to make the big move.  Lately, however… Lately, her mind was off in darker territories, the pounding rain matching her mood.
“It is an adorable little town,” Alastrina said, turning to her friend with a slight smile, to reassure her that it wasn’t her fault.  “I look forward to what this town has in store.”
Apollina returned Alastrina’s smile and said, “Trust me; you’ll love it here.”
Alastrina looked down at her cup of tea, which she hadn’t touched since Apollina had made it and continued to sit on the table.  She folded her hands on top of each other on the cushion which she still clutched, fiddling with her thumbs before she said, “Do you think that what I did was right?  I’m not in the wrong… Am I?”
Apollina looked at her friend and saw the sadness, anger, and hurt that had so absorbed her during the past few weeks.  “There’s nothing wrong with calling off an engagement, especially if you felt that it wasn’t right.  Sometimes, doing the right thing is hard, especially when you don’t want to hurt anybody.  It doesn’t make you a bad person, dear.”
Alastrina continued to twiddle with her thumbs, the fireplace making her burgundy hair gleam, a lost look in her eyes.  “But I feel like I ripped Chad’s heart out and sliced it wide open!” she exclaimed.  “You weren’t there!  You didn’t see the look that he had on his face when I told him that I wanted to cancel the engagement.  I’ve never seen that look on his face before… Not even when we had arguments…”
“There’s a difference between a relationship argument and completely calling the relationship off.  One has a tomorrow.  The other does not.  It’s just better that you called it off before you said your vows and got entangled in something that you would have ended up regretting for the rest of your life.”
Alastrina could see the truth in her friend’s words, but she still couldn’t help but feel guilty for breaking the heart of a human being, especially one that she loved.
“I did love him, Apollina.  I remember the day that he proposed to me.  I was so happy that I cried.  What happened to us?”
“Perhaps you realized that your true love wasn’t as true as you thought it was or was going to be,” said Apollina, feeling her friend’s anguish.  Alastrina ran her hands through her hair, stressing over the matter.
They both sat together in silence for a time.  They were both startled out of their reverie when a ding sounded from the kitchen.  Apollina got up from her seat, but before she went to the kitchen, she put her hand on her friend’s shoulder, trying her hardest to convey her compassion and sentiments through that small gesture.  When she came back from the kitchen with a freshly baked apple pie, she saw that Alastrina was noticeably happier.  The two friends began to chat amongst the warmth of the tea, pie, and fireplace, choosing to discuss other topics other than the one currently at hand.
“So what is there to do on such rainy days?” Alastrina inquired.  She figured that since she’s going to start living there, she’d best find out what there is to do around town to keep her active and happy.
“Well, there’s always something new going on at The Theater.  They have a new routine or act daily.  For example, a few days ago, they had dancing animals and a comedian.  The comedian, interestingly enough, had a parrot with him.  I’m pretty convinced that the parrot was the actual comedian.”
“Really?” chuckled Alastrina, picturing a parrot in a bow tie.  “A parrot?”
“Yep.  A bird that enjoys crackers ends up cracking people up.  Who knew?!” Apollina giggled.
The thought of a bird not only having the capability to talk, but telling jokes while wearing a bow tie intrigued Alastrina.  She jumped to her feet.  “Let’s go tonight.  I want to start my new life with amusement.”

Ruslan is my name/ Alix, was hers/ Her body is in flames/ I am not to blame/ I am not to blame/ For Ruslan is my name/ For Ruslan is my name…”
The odd, somewhat demented chanting was a magician whose name was Ruslan.  Ruslan, in his black slacks, vest, and long collared shirt, lied casually in his armchair by his unlit fireplace, letting ash fall through his fingers like sand.  However, unlike sand, the substance falling through his fingertips was not innocent.  This ash was not wood that had burned for a fire.  Rather, this was the ash of what was formerly a human being… A human being formerly named Alix.
Ruslan continued to play with the ash in the fireplace, playing with it as though he was out for a day at the beach, occasionally picking a small bone out of the ash.  A single tooth here, a knucklebone there.  He enjoyed seeing the white of the bone against the black of the ash; it gave him such a rush.  Suddenly, the phone rang out, rudely interrupting his fun.  More than a little reluctantly, he got up and proceeded to drag himself to the phone.
“Hello?” he said, rather irritably.
“Hello! Good say, sir!  I am the entertainment manager of The Theater.  Am I currently speaking to Mr. Ruslan?”
Ruslan is my name...” he began to chant.
“Wonderful! See here, sir!  We are currently in need of an act at The Theater, and I was hoping that you would be able to fill in for this evening’s performance.”  Though he certainly seemed like a boisterous individual, he was more than a little nervous and stressed, praying that Ruslan would accept.  Due to the current downpour, nobody was willing to accept a gig at The Theater.  The last act that he had booked, a troupe of acrobats, cancelled due to the weather conditions.
Ruslan was about to deny the offer, but then looked at his empty fireplace.  It had been a while since he had performed for a live audience.  “Why, of course I shall, my fellow kind sir! It’ll be my pleasure,” he said, putting emphasis on the last word.
“Wonderful!  Simply wonderful!  We shall see you tonight, then! Do you –“  Ruslan hung up the phone, choosing to focus on what trick that he would perform that night.  A single trick would be all that he needed…
He looked up from the phone and into the mirror.  He stared at his reflection, and it stared back at him.  If the mirror could, it would shiver at what it saw.  Ruslan, on the other hand, saw nothing disturbing.  His appearance consisted of half a mustache on the left side of his face, part of a goatee on the right, and one eyebrow lingering on the right side of his face.  His hair was disheveled and extremely unkempt, with a scar that ran across his face.  Feeling that his appearance was inappropriate and vaguely distracting, he strolled across the room to the fireplace, dipped his finger into the ash, swirled it around, and drew a smiley face on his cheek.
“Wonderful,” he said contentedly after reexamining his reflection.  “Now that I’m properly dressed and have my thinking cap on, let’s think of a trick to perform,” he said as he rubbed his hands together with devilish glee.  He paced the room, quickening his pace with every rejected idea.  “Disappearing rings!  … No.  Far too unkind… AHA!  A levitating chair… WITH THE VOLUNTEER STILL ON IT!!  … No.  Unfortunately, it’s both too improper and rude.  Wouldn’t want to scare the audience half to death.”  Ruslan chuckled, but then stopped in his tracks.  He just may have come up with an idea.  He became pensive, wondering whether he should do it or not.  By the time he had decided, he had just enough time to get to The Theater to perform.  With a gigantic smile further disfiguring his face and a twitching upper lip, he walked up to the fireplace, where there was a red fur scarf that was hanging up on a rack.  He got hold of it and rubbed it against his cheek, like a cat would do to a person’s leg.  “Now let’s go get you a friend, Alix, and show them a real magic trick…  For Ruslan is my name, my name, my name…

The moon rose up, as was her duty, but the rain kept pouring as the guests for the evening’s performance arrived.  The Theater isn’t a huge place where one can show movies or put on operas; however, it’s just spacious enough for the town’s population to share in the entertainment.  The Theater had dimmed lights, with multiple round tables covered with dark red tablecloths, each having a small bowl filled with water, upon which small, floating candles and rose petals floated.  The walls themselves were the same color as the tablecloths.  It gave The Theater a romantic kind of atmosphere.
“Wow.  This place is amazing,” said Alastrina as she and Apollina walked in The Theater, escaping the wrath of the rain.
“Wait until you see the acts!” said Apollina.  “Oh! Quick! Let’s grab my favorite table before someone else snatches it from us!”  With that, she rushed over to a table in the corner and threw herself into a seat.  “It’s the perfect spot!”
Once Alastrina took her seat, a waiter walked up and asked them what they would like to drink.  In a minute or five, they had their cups of tea arrive.
“To a new life!” cheered Alastrina, raising her cup of tea.
“To a new life!” agreed Apollina, clinking her cup with Alastrina’s.

On the stage, behind the maroon curtains, Ruslan had a sip of his own tea and toasted his own achievement.  Not only was his trick brilliant, but he had cooked up something brand-new, never-before-seen.  “This will be the act they’ll never forget,” he said, shivering with excitement and anticipation.  He couldn’t wait to perform his new act.  Small drips of sweat beaded his brow in anticipation.

“Oh Apollina!  This is so exciting!  I can’t wait!”  No sooner had Alastrina said that than the lights lowered and the voices in the crowd dwindled down to a murmur, and finally complete silence.  The entertainer stepped out from the curtains, striding awkwardly sideways towards his audience in his black attire and usual facial look.  “Ruslan is my name,” he said in an off tone, turning his body completely towards his audience.  “The Great Houdini puts me to shame,” he stated as he walked to the right of the stage.  He then turned around and walked to the left.  “Tonight, I bring magic’s true fame…”  That’s when he noticed a beautiful young maiden in the corner of the room.  He kept his gaze on her as he said, “For Ruslan is my name, my name, my name…” almost as if he was solely introducing himself to her only, and Alastrina recognized this, causing her heart to beat rapidly.
Ruslan then jumped down from the stage, the audience puzzled and perplexed by this abrupt action, as no performer in the past had ever done such a thing.  “Tonight, I will perform a trick that no magician, no Houdini would ever do, for they did not have the heart to do it.”  Everybody’s eyes were wide, itching to see what that possible act could be.  What act was it that not even the great Houdini would attempt?
“But first,” said Ruslan, “I am going to need an assistant.  Sadly, my own beautiful assistant was recently fired.  What I am going to need,” he said, striding through the tables, looking each audience member right in the face, “is a tall, burgundy-haired, young maiden,” zigzagging through the tables towards Alastrina as he stated this.
Alastrina was wide-eyed, her heart beating faster and faster, and it wasn’t because the audience turned their gazes towards the corner of the room.  “Would you, fair maiden, be my beautiful, tall, burgundy-haired assistant this evening?” Ruslan asked softly, holding his hand out to her.  Alastrina was dumbfounded and nervous, but she did want to start her new life off in a fun, interesting way.  She nodded her head and took his hand.  Ruslan kissed her soft hands and decided to himself that he had chosen the perfect assistant for the night.
With her hands in his, he guided her to stand up.  “And now for the trick that no magician has ever had the heart to do, the trick that doesn’t need to be up in front on a stage, but right where you are.  Isn’t that convenient?”  This remark made the audience chuckle.  “And now, my beautiful assistant… What is your name?” he asked her, slowly circling around her, hands behind his back.
“Alastrina,” she answered.
“What a gorgeous name.  It has an… eloquence to it.  Now tell me, Alastrina, what do you love to do with your free time?” still circling her, still with his hands behind his back.
“I like to paint,” she responded.
“What animal do you love?” he asked next.
“I love butterflies,” she said, blushing as she knew that a butterfly was an insect, not an animal.  The audience caught the error and chuckled, as did Ruslen.
“Hahaha.  What would you most love to do one day?” he asked, hands behind his back as he continued to circle.
“To travel,” she answered.  In her mind, she thought, “This is an odd magic trick.  No wonder no other magicians have tried to do it.”
“And who do you love?” he asked, but stopped right behind her, his back facing her and the audience.
“… Chad…” Alastrina felt her heart go from a pounding heart to a light heart, and then it went numb, and then suddenly froze, her heart stopping before she could realize what had happened.  She collapsed onto the floor, no moving, not breathing.  There was no sign of life whatsoever in her body.  Everybody was shocked.  Nobody moved.  They appeared to be stuck, frozen to their seats, unable to comprehend what was going on, waiting for Ruslan to do something to bring her back.  Everybody stared at Ruslan, who still had his back to Alastrina and the rest of the audience.  Everyone gasped in horror at what they saw in his hands.  Ruslan heard the gasps and inhaled their reactions, as though there was a wonderful taste and scent to them.  Oh, what a rush!  He felt the warmth that their reactions caused.  He also felt the warmth of what he felt in his hands.
It was squishy, warm, and pumping.  He knew exactly what it was, even though he could not see it.  “I have your heart now,” Ruslan said calmly, and began strolling out the door as though it was a beautiful sunny day at the park, his hands still behind him, holding Alastrina’s once delicate heart.  Everybody was too stunned to even attempt to stop him.  Before he exited the door, he turned slightly towards the crowd and, with a sly smile, he mockingly said, “Abracadabra.”

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises - A Review


"The Dark Knight Rises" has had a HUGE buildup of anticipation. It is arguably one of the most anticipated movies of all-time. Now, the real question is: did it deliver? As much as I hate to write these words, I have to say that it failed to deliver in many aspects.
The acting, as usual for these movies, was great. Christian Bale did his usual great job as Bruce Wayne and Batman, and, of course, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, and Michael Caine were their usual spectacular selves. The surprise of the movie was definitely Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle. She blew away the low expectations and while she is not a perfect fit for Catwoman look-wise, her acting was incredible and Selina's attitude was spot-on Catwoman. Tom Hardy, on the other hand, does not fare so well. While his size was not a problem and he definitely conveyed Bane's physicality, his Bane voice was absolutely horrendous and was one of the worst things that I've EVER had the misfortune of hearing in a movie. It was far too cartoonish for a live-action movie and absolutely grating on the ears. I could not wait for him to get off of the screen for his voice alone. Yes, it's that bad.
Hans Zimmer's score was great and arguably the best of the trilogy. You could feel the raw emotion in the music and definitely told the story as well as the images on-screen. The score was a huge sweeping epic and I fell in love with it as soon as it started playing. Zimmer never fails to disappoint.
In terms of storytelling, the movie trips and hits the ground pretty hard. Nolan attempted to craft a large, expansive story, with the entire movie playing out over six months. However, depth was definitely sacrificed for scope. The movie has HUGE plot holes that completely defy any form of logic. Majority of them are thrown right in the audiences' faces and simply cannot be ignored. Why does Batman trust Selina Kyle even when she completely betrayed him to Bane and was the catalyst that led to his breaking? He even tells her, "You made a serious mistake." How does Bruce, who is completely broke and halfway around the world, get back into Gotham City, which is in a state of complete lockdown? He even arrives clean-shaven and looking pretty good for a guy who was nursed back to health from a broken back with a bit of bread, some water, and some push-ups and sit-ups. How on Earth did Batman somehow managing to survive a six-mile-wide nuclear explosion when he was clearly in the Bat seconds before it blew up? There is absolutely no indication that he ejected beforehand and put the Bat in autopilot. It's huge plot holes and leaps in logic such as these that really ruined the movie for me. Even the time span in the movie was poorly handled. It definitely did not feel like Bane had control of Gotham for three months. Nobody, not even the police officers trapped underground, looked like they had been down there for three months. It looked like it was only a few days, if even that. Also, why would they wait until the hour before the bomb goes off to make their move? It's poor and contrived writing, which is far from expected from Nolan and company. Other scenes could have been cut out entirely. The small arc with the government's agents being sent into Gotham, only to be killed by Bane two minutes later, was essentially a waste and added nothing to the story. I would liken these movies to Nolan having a ball of Silly Putty. He had a solid ball of Silly Putty in "Batman Begins". He stretched it slightly in "The Dark Knight", but it was still solid. In "The Dark Knight Rises", he stretched it so far that it started ripping and tearing apart.
Even the characters and characterizations suffer in the movie. Bruce Wayne definitely suffers the most. He's spent the past eight years languishing in self-defeat due to the death of Rachel. He's become so withdrawn that not only has he stopped being Batman, he's stopped being Bruce Wayne. In this, I feel that Nolan's portrayal of Bruce was off. Bruce would never stop being Batman. He is completely committed to his cause, even though it causes him pain.
Others, such as Bane and Talia al Ghul, are definitely not given their due. Talia was wasted as a villain and her romance with Bruce felt completely forced. Bruce spent the first half-hour of the movie depressed over Rachel's death. Why the sudden turn-around and romance with Talia? Bane proves to be nothing more than Talia's pawn. While you could argue that him being a pawn doesn't change what he did in the movie, it definitely changes the way that you look at it as you realize that nothing of what happened was his own planning. Others, such as Holly Robinson and John Daggett, have such minimal roles that they could have ignored them entirely. Holly plays such an insignificant role that her name is actually not spoken at all during the duration of the movie and disappears entirely in the epilogue. Daggett is turned into a stereotypical, generic evil businessman, whose plot to take over Wayne Enterprises adds absolutely nothing to the story other than to try to make you feel sorry for Bruce and his current situation.
Overall, the movie was a big disappointment. I had gone in with low expectations, as nothing in the trailers had impressed me. I wanted Nolan to blow me away. He didn't. While the movie has a bit of humor and some great moments, like Bruce climbing out of the Pit and Bane breaking the Bat, it has many problems story-and-character-wise that severely detract from the quality of the movie for me and are completely unforgivable in such a huge character-driven film. This is completely unexpected from Nolan, as there's no arguing that he is an amazing filmmaker. For me, as hard as this is to say, as both a huge Batman fan and cinema lover, this is not the finale that Batman deserves.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Madagascar 3: Mini-Review


It's been four years since the last installment of the successful "Madagascar" franchise. In "Madagascar 3", we're reunited with Alex the lion, Melman the giraffe, Gloria the hippo, and Marty the zebra. Though most franchises eventually seem tired and worn-out, this one continues the excellence set by its predecessors and takes you on a great ride throughout Europe.
The movie starts off where the second one left off. The gang is still stuck in Africa, with the penguins and chimps having left to Monte Carlo and make it big. Marty and the rest journey there as well to pick up the penguins and the chimps and head back to New York and the Central Park Zoo. However, things don't go according to plan and they incur the wrath of the Animal Control Captain Chantel DuBois, who they then lead on a wild ride throughout Europe with their new circus friends, who then take over the story, as they must get the circus back to form.
The movie itself is hilarious and arguably the funniest out of all of them, with King Julian's love affair with Sonya the bear being one of the best and funniest romances I've seen in a long time. The story itself does a great job of carrying the movie along and definitely makes you care for all of the characters, both old and new. The creative team did a spectacular job with the circus performances. They're breathtaking and definitely the best sequences in the movie. If you haven't yet, I highly recommend checking this out before it leaves the theaters.


Monday, June 18, 2012

The Lab Rat: An Original Short Story

And so my soul was slowly drained away, trapping me in the midst of the negative zone, attempting to hold me captive forever, with only an older model cell phone to keep me company. *    *    * Though I received small food rations from my captors, my hunger hardly subsided. I plotted my escape. This barely-liveable place could not hold me forever. *    *    * At long last, I saw it: A chance to escape! The cell guard was vulnerable when he gave me my daily scraps of food. I had to eliminate him silently. As soon as the guard opened the door to give me my meal, I struck, snapping his neck and guiding his body silently to the floor. Now for the main guard. I waited for him to become suspicious at the cell guard's continued absence. I stayed around the corner, then struck when he walked past me. He fell without a sound. *    *    * I soon reached the outside of the prison. Multitudes of filth and decrepitude greeted me. I saw few living souls, most being lost within their own madness. What do I do now...? *    *    * I spotted a guard patrolling in his car. I hid in a nearby alleyway. I saw him park and enter the prison, so I knew the alarm would soon be raised. I cautiously made my way to his car. He had left it unlocked AND left the keys in the ignition! I opened the door and started the car. Suddenly, gunshots rang out! I ducked as low as I could. I heard glass shatter as the bullets blew through the car. I put it in drive and sped off, reaching the freeway in minutes. Good... *    *    * I drove for what seemed like days, though it can't have been more than an hour or so. I drove until I came to a small hotel, renting out a room with the money that the guard had left in the glove compartment. I slept fitfully that night. The escape... It seemed far too easy. Was there something that I was missing? *    *    * They found me. I don't know how, but they did. I'm trapped and out of options. Everything I did was for nothing. How can it end like this...? *    *    * I woke up, gasping for air. I was chained to a chair. The room was small and unlit, save for a small desk lamp. There was a man across from me, face in shadow. "Do you know why you're here?" he inquired. I simply stared, not daring to speak. "Do you happen to realize what you've been a part of? I continued to remain silent. "Well, I suppose that I wouldn't presume to act as though you were part of something big. You have been part of an experiment. You were simply my lab rat; Nothing more." He began to pace. "Humans become feral and revert to a primitive state under certain conditions. We set up these controlled testing environments and gave you limited tools in which  to accomplish your goal. Namely, your escape. Surprisingly, you didn't use the cell phone provided to you and instead relied on your quick wits and some physicality that you must've picked up from the previous tests." I was taken aback. Previous tests? "Your performance was more than satisfactory this time around. Now, however, we must start the trial again. Your mind will be wiped as standard protocol dictates and you'll be given an extra tool for this trial. Perhaps a pocket knife. Enjoy this set of memories while you can."  With that, a door behind me opened and I was dragged to a cell, awaiting my mind wipe. However, a plan occurred to me. *    *    * I'm writing this to myself. The time before my mind wipe is short. I've recorded this story on the phone given to me as the ultimate tool that you can use, so that you can know what's going on, what's going to happen. You can win this fight against this enemy and escape from their inhuman experiments. Now that you know, do whatever it takes to win, to beat them. Already my mind feels fuzzy... Hazy. I feel like my soul is being drained away... *    *    * How long I've been kept captive, I cannot say... END

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Ideal Version of Marvel's Phase Two

Currently, Marvel says that they have five movies in various stages of production for Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel commits to two films each year, so they have a slate of releases up until 2015, as far as we know. A few of these are already well-known. In 2013, we're going to get "Iron Man 3" and "Thor 2". In 2014, we're definitely getting "Captain America 2". This leaves two movies that we don't know anything about, though speculation on what the two films are is running rampant. I, too, have a few ideas that I believe Marvel could be running with.
For starters, I believe that the second movie released in 2014 shall be "Doctor Strange". Marvel plans to introduce cosmic storylines, as well as mysticism and magic. Having a Doctor Strange movie would be a HUGE step in the right direction. However, one thing that would somewhat work against Doctor Strange getting a movie soon is because Doctor Strange was never an Avenger. Well, he's a part of the New Avengers, but he is far from a mainstream character. Also, he's never been teamed up with the likes of the Hulk, Iron Man, or Black Widow, as the New Avengers is mostly B and C-list heroes, with Spider-Man and Wolverine taking up the A-list slack. To have the Sorcerer Supreme in a movie with the original Avengers would be... Odd, to say the least, especially when we don't yet have the original Avengers team assembled together. We're still missing Ant-Man and Wasp. However, since Edgar Wright is making another movie before he starts production on "Ant-Man", it will be 2015 or 2016 before we get it.
For 2015, I believe that we'll see an adaption of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther.  The Guardians provide the cosmic elements that Marvel is looking to adapt, as well as opening the door for other characters, such as Nova. Besides that, the Guardians also often fight against characters such as the Kree, Skrull (of which the Chitauri, the army in "The Avengers", are an offshoot), and Thanos, who, as we all know, was the character revealed at the end credits scene of "The Avengers". It's the perfect opportunity to give these these factions the backstory that they need and deserve, as well as setting up potential threats for the Avengers to face in the future.
Black Panther definitely has to be made. He is one of the key Avengers and has a great backstory that everyone can get behind. He's extremely empathetic and audiences will feel for him, assuming that he's done correctly. Also, there have been multiple references to him already in the MCU, with a map at the end of "Iron Man 2" shows Wakanda, his country, and they've had multiple references to Vibranium, which is only found in Wakanda. Captain America's shield is made up of Vibranium, in case you didn't know. Joss Whedon stated that he wanted to get all of the Avengers in a movie one day. Black Panther is one of those required heroes.
2016 (depending on what ends up happening) should see Edgar Wright's "Ant-Man" and that should lead directly into "The Avengers: Thanos Imperative" (just throwing a title out there, though this title is of great importance). Beyond this, however, I can't say. I do think this outline would probably be the best way to do this, and Marvel is probably considering a path along this line. Either way, these are my thoughts and my outline for the future of the MCU. Hope you enjoyed it :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Assassin's Creed 3: Tried-and-True Or Tired Out?

So within the past few days, we had our first glimpse of gameplay for the next title in the Assassin's Creed universe, Assassin's Creed 3. It gave us a few glimpses of the improvements to the game, as well as hinting at the storyline this game will follow. However, I am decidedly unimpressed with almost everything the trailer had to offer. Let's take a look at the gameplay shown during the trailer...
I must say, what was shown was unimpressive. The gameplay remains almost identical to the previous iterations of the franchise, stretching all the way back to the first game, first released in 2007. Granted, there are many advances to the combat and available moves, but nothing is overly different and it feels a bit too familiar. I'd actually liken AC to CoD. In my opinion, AC has become the CoD of action-adventure games. Throwing in a few new things, but without true innovation. Yearly updates with improvements. It's not as bad as CoD, but the comparison is there. In short, it's stale and has become formulaic. The only thing that I would say this game has going for it is the setting. There is a HUGE shortage of games set during the Revolutionary War and it's a nice change of pace from the WW2, modern warfare, and future warfare settings that have long since been the norm in the industry for quite a few years now. There was that one History Channel Civil War game, but that didn't turn out quite so good... But I digress. All-in-all, AC3 is going to have to do a lot more work to impress this gamer. At this point, it looks like it's nothing more than an expansion pack, as opposed to a true sequel.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Total Earnings for "The Avengers" (Thus Far) and What It Could Mean for the Future of Marvel Studios

So far, after opening weekend here in America, "The Avengers" has made a total of $654,838,708. $207,438,708 of that was made in America, according to Box Office Mojo, which smashed the previous opening weekend record holder, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2". This is great news for Marvel Studios and Disney, who almost doubled their budget in the foreign market alone.  This will hopefully mean that Marvel will have bigger movie budgets to work with, as well as being able to flesh out even more of their lesser-known characters, such as Vision and Black Panther. However, I must admit that I am not without misgivings.
Marvel is going to be taking some HUGE risks during the next few years as they set up Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). With the inclusion of Thanos during the mid-credits scene and Kevin Feige having stated his intent to introduce the cosmic elements of the Marvel Universe, it seems that soon, we will have a MCU that has doubled in size. This is where my doubts set in. This will be amazing for any hardcore Marvel comics fan, but majority of the money that these films make comes from the casual audience. During my viewings of "The Avengers", I noticed that, aside from a few people in the theater of 300 or so, only about 10 gave any sign of recognition when Thanos appeared on the screen. Most had no idea who he was.  Thanos often fights against the Guardians of the Galaxy, who are getting their own movie in the coming few years. The members of the team include a telepathic dog and a three-foot-tall raccoon named Rocket Raccoon, who wields guns that are oftentimes bigger than himself. How will the casual audience react to seeing these characters onscreen, especially since these characters exist in the same universe as the likes of Captain America? The goodwill and faith that people currently have in Marvel might falter and fail once they see a talking raccoon with a bazooka. Marvel stands to lose millions of dollars with this venture, so I hope that they plan accordingly and hope that they don't bite off more than they can chew with Phase 2 of the MCU.

"The Avengers" - Childhood Dreams Come True

******POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!*******
"The Avengers". Possibly one of the most hyped movies of the year. It certainly has a lot to live up to. I'm very pleased to say that it more than lives up to ALL the hype and I can quite honestly say that "The Avengers" is the best comic book movie ever made.
Let me start off by saying that the visuals are some of the best that I have ever seen in a movie before. WETA Digital and ILM teamed up with several smaller studios to create some of the most realistic graphics ever seen. The Hulk and Iron Man are supreme graphical standouts. All throughout the movie, you truly cannot tell that they aren't actual beings on the screen. The level of detail is just that spectacular.
Of course, you can have the best SFX in the world, but it won't mean anything if you don't have a plot and dialogue to match. Rest assured, "The Avengers" is no slouch in either department. The plot, while not incredibly deep and complex, works greatly within the movie and is more than strong enough to carry the film through from beginning to end, as well as doing a great job of setting up Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and did an EXCELLENT job of introducing the cosmic elements of the constantly expanding movie universe, which will play a HUGE part in Phase 2, along with mysticism and magic.
The dialogue all throughout the movie, particularly between the members of the team, is masterfully done. Every exchange, from the banter to the full-blown arguments, is done to perfection and showcase the personality of each team member with absolutely no faults in their portrayals. It must also be noted that the film is absolutely hilarious throughout the entirety of its run time. As serious as the movie takes itself, they always find time to throw in a joke or a wisecrack, with the best moments being when the various team members egg each other on, such as Tony Stark constantly attempting to get Bruce Banner angry enough to change into the Incredible Hulk.
The acting was superb and each actor truly shows why they were cast for their various roles. There is no bad performance in the movie and you could tell that each actor was throwing everything that they had into their role. The standout performance, however, was given by newcomer Mark Ruffalo, taking over for Edward Norton as Bruce Banner AND the Hulk. His portrayal of Banner was incredible and invoked strong images of Bill Bixby's Banner.
The action was spectacular and definitely is among the best action I've ever seen in a film, even beating out the likes of "Transformers". The final battle, in particular, is done to perfection and is a dream-come-true for every comic book fan. One scene in particular was fantastic and will stay with you long after the movie is over (those who have already seen it know the scene that I'm referring to).
All-in-all, the movie is nothing short of perfect. It is every comic book fans' dream. Even if you're not a hardcore fan, the movie will still be extremely entertaining and anyone who doesn't watch the movie is doing themselves a HUGE disservice. 5/5