Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Ideal Version of Marvel's Phase Two

Currently, Marvel says that they have five movies in various stages of production for Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel commits to two films each year, so they have a slate of releases up until 2015, as far as we know. A few of these are already well-known. In 2013, we're going to get "Iron Man 3" and "Thor 2". In 2014, we're definitely getting "Captain America 2". This leaves two movies that we don't know anything about, though speculation on what the two films are is running rampant. I, too, have a few ideas that I believe Marvel could be running with.
For starters, I believe that the second movie released in 2014 shall be "Doctor Strange". Marvel plans to introduce cosmic storylines, as well as mysticism and magic. Having a Doctor Strange movie would be a HUGE step in the right direction. However, one thing that would somewhat work against Doctor Strange getting a movie soon is because Doctor Strange was never an Avenger. Well, he's a part of the New Avengers, but he is far from a mainstream character. Also, he's never been teamed up with the likes of the Hulk, Iron Man, or Black Widow, as the New Avengers is mostly B and C-list heroes, with Spider-Man and Wolverine taking up the A-list slack. To have the Sorcerer Supreme in a movie with the original Avengers would be... Odd, to say the least, especially when we don't yet have the original Avengers team assembled together. We're still missing Ant-Man and Wasp. However, since Edgar Wright is making another movie before he starts production on "Ant-Man", it will be 2015 or 2016 before we get it.
For 2015, I believe that we'll see an adaption of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther.  The Guardians provide the cosmic elements that Marvel is looking to adapt, as well as opening the door for other characters, such as Nova. Besides that, the Guardians also often fight against characters such as the Kree, Skrull (of which the Chitauri, the army in "The Avengers", are an offshoot), and Thanos, who, as we all know, was the character revealed at the end credits scene of "The Avengers". It's the perfect opportunity to give these these factions the backstory that they need and deserve, as well as setting up potential threats for the Avengers to face in the future.
Black Panther definitely has to be made. He is one of the key Avengers and has a great backstory that everyone can get behind. He's extremely empathetic and audiences will feel for him, assuming that he's done correctly. Also, there have been multiple references to him already in the MCU, with a map at the end of "Iron Man 2" shows Wakanda, his country, and they've had multiple references to Vibranium, which is only found in Wakanda. Captain America's shield is made up of Vibranium, in case you didn't know. Joss Whedon stated that he wanted to get all of the Avengers in a movie one day. Black Panther is one of those required heroes.
2016 (depending on what ends up happening) should see Edgar Wright's "Ant-Man" and that should lead directly into "The Avengers: Thanos Imperative" (just throwing a title out there, though this title is of great importance). Beyond this, however, I can't say. I do think this outline would probably be the best way to do this, and Marvel is probably considering a path along this line. Either way, these are my thoughts and my outline for the future of the MCU. Hope you enjoyed it :)

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