Saturday, July 20, 2013

World's Finest and the Future of the DC Cinematic Universe

Just today, DC announced their intentions to make a World's Finest movie with Zack Snyder in the director's chair. This is great news for both comic book fans and the general audience alike, as now we'll have a true DC cinematic universe to rival what Marvel has done with their cinematic universe.
Though my anticipation is high, I'm not without concerns about how WB will handle these movies. They have shown in the past that they can't seem to make any good DC movies besides Batman and Superman, as evidenced by the likes of Green Lantern and Jonah Hex. However, that's not to say that this could be the case now. DC has a potential game changer on their hands, and the utmost care must be taken. I say that they need Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, the masterminds of the DC animated universe. They can write the movies that fans will squeal over and the general audience will love. Right now, WB needs powerhouses who know what they're doing with the universe. Marvel has Kevin Feige and Joss Whedon. WB doesn't have anybody like that. While they have Christopher Nolan, he's far from a good choice for true comic book movies. Batman Begins was a great Batman movie, but The Dark Knight was not. It was an amazing film, but a horrible Batman movie. The Dark Knight Rises was both a bad movie and a horrible Batman movie. They need people who love the characters and know how to write them. Dini and Timm are those people. DC can annihilate what Marvel has done with the MCU. They just need to play their cards right from here and and looking on towards the future.
The next movie on DC's list in The Flash in 2016, followed by Justice League in 2017. This will be an interesting way of doing things, namely, not introducing all of the heroes featured in the Justice League before the actual movie, but it can work out. Most of the heroes are household names, unlike Marvel, whose Avengers team was made up of B-list heroes before they brought them all together. If handled correctly, with as much character development as action, it could prove to be a huge hit. Again, they just need the correct writers to be able to do this. The course that WB has set for DC is one that involves taking a lot of risks. However, I don't think they would have set this course if they weren't confident that they would be able to deliver a product that everyone wants to see. Of course, we can speculate all we want, but we'll have to wait for more information and actually see the movies before making a final judgement. Either way, I'm very much looking forward to seeing what the DC cinematic universe has in store for us next.